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Stay With Me (Goblin) | Piano Online

Nam Hye-seung

Stay With Me (Goblin)

[Y8]| Y| o| [s%]| s| d| [P(]| P| o| [P9]| P| i| [tY8]| Y| o| [sY(]| s| d| [YP(]| P| o| [o^E]||Y i [to8] o o [to8]|o [to8] O [W%]| [W%]| [oW%] O [YP(]|P [YP(]|O [oY(] i [y9]| [y9]| [yY9] i [to8] o o [to8]|P [t8] O [W%]| [W%] D|[dW%]| [YP(]|P [YP(]|s [Y(]| [yP9]| [y9]| [yi9] o [toD8]|o [to8]| [to8] P [sW%]|d [W%] s|[WP%] P [Y(]| [Y(]| [sY(]| [yiP9]| [y9]| [yi9] o [toD8]|o [to8]| [to8] P [sW%]|d [W%] s|[WP%] P [Y(]| [Y(]| [oYE(]| [iE9]||Y|y y [w8] t||P [tD8] DD [tD8] D s [wY] P [WD%] DD [WD%] D s [t8]| [tqD] DD [tqg] h g [tqD] g [wD]| d| [^E] P [tD8] DD [tD8] D s [wY] P [WD%] DD [WD%]gD s [t(]| [tqD] DD [tqg] h g [tqD] g [woD]| d|| [thP8]||[ydJE]|| [sOD%] ( W [tP(] h H [tJ(] H [tq] h|[tqg]|D [tq] J [E9] H|[hE9]|g [wD9] g [thP8]||[ydJE]|| [sOD%] ( W [tP(] h H [tJ(] H [tq] h|[tqg]|D [h^E]| [g^E]||Y i [to8] o o [to8]|o [to8] O [W%]| [W%]| [oW%] O [YP(]|P [YP(]|O [oY(] i [y9]| [y9]| [yY9] i [to8] o o [to8]|P [t8] O [W%]| [W%] D|[dW%]| [YP(]|P [YP(]|s [Y(]| [yiP9]| [y9]| [yi9] o [toD8]|o [to8]| [to8] P [sW%]|d [W%] s|[WP%] P [Y(]| [Y(]| [sY(]| [yiP9]| [y9]| [yi9] o [toD8]|o [to8]| [to8] P [sW%]|d [W%] s|[WP%] P [Y(]| [Y(]| [oY(]| [iE9]||Y|y y [Y8] w t Y t|[o8] t [s%] ( t s t|[dW] t [P(] E Y P Y|[oE] Y [^P] q y P y|[iE] y [Y8] w t Y t|[o8] t [s%] ( t s t|[dW] t [P(] E Y P Y|[oE] Y [^P] q y P y|[iE] y P [th8] h h J|J D [WD%] D D h| P [hY(] H h H h| gD[yg9]||P| [wth8] h h J|J D [WD(%] D D h| P [hYE(] H h H h|g D [gE9]||d| [D8] w t D t|[h8] t [l%] ( t l t|[zW] t [J(] E Y J Y|[hE] Y [^J] q y J y|[gE] y [D8] w t D t|[h8] t [l%] ( t l t|[zW] t [J(] E Y J Y|[hE] Y [^J] q y J y|[gE] y Y i [to8] o o o|o o O [W%]|| o O [YP(]|P P|O o|[i^E]|| Y i [to8] o o o|P| O [W%]||[WD%]| [dW%]|[YP(]|P [YP(]|s [Y(]|[^PE]|[^E]|[^E]| [i^E] o [tD8]|o [to8]| [to8] P [sW%]|d [W%] s| [WP%] P [Y(]| [Y(]| [sY(]|[yP9]| [y9]| [yi9] o [tD8]|o [to8]| [to8] P [sW%]|d [W%] s| [WP%] P [Y(]| [Y(]| [oY(]|[iE9]||Y| y Yy[wt(]
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